Thursday, December 20, 2007
Nov, 19, 2007 - Operation
So off to the prep room I went. They should really put some art in there. The grey walls were rather bland and non-descript. Put on my beautiful hospital gown and spent some time with Maureen - my pre-op nurse. Everyone kept asking me if I knew what surgery I was having and to explain it in my own words. I thought that strange. It occurred at least ten times. After 5 or 6 times I started answering Gender Re-assignment. I got a good look a few times, and then they realized that I was a smart-alek.
I spoke with the Dr of Anesthesiology and we ended up talking alot about my job and the Power needs of the Omaha area along with Wind Power. Maureen placed my IV and about 9:20 AM - I kissed my wife and rolled off to the OR(That's Operating Room for those of you that don't watch ER (That's Emergency Room)).
The next hour and a half is kind of hazy. I guess that is a good thing. I rolled into the OR - I wanted to remember the music that was playing, and I knew the song. But for the life of me I cannot remember the song. I slid to the operating table and they started strapping me in, arms and legs. Someone put a mask on my face and said breath deeply, i took a couple of breathes and remember thinking this is gonna take a while, I did not feel sleepy........................
.....................................................................................................and then I woke up.
That was just weird. That time of my life is just gone. It was about 11:45, I think, a major event in my life had just occurred, and I missed it. These was lots of beeping, lots of activity, bright lights, and people all around me. Someone pulled a tube out of my mouth. Crap - that hurt. Vitals, lots of questions. Vitals again, Someone said everything went very well. My buddy Dave told me you feel like a million bucks when you wake up. I really don't remember how I felt. In fact, I am not sure I accurately remember what time I was rolled into my room and when I saw Sandy and my other visitors. I was sleepy, and I realized that sometimes Drugs are good.
Now, if that is what a million bucks felt like, about three hours later, I felt like a buck-fity. This sucks. But wait, there is morphine and I don't have to wait for it. I'm gonna like Karen. Sleepy again. Hey, I am awake again. Karen is back and asks me how my pain is. I had decided that if I can can keep it below three on a scale of ten, I was going to try to live with it. Everyone is still here. Lots of hello, telling me how great I look. Yeah right, a big fat guy who just had major surgery and I look "Great". Who is lying to whom here. Pain is about a 7 - so more morphine is delivered and the pain quickly subsides. Vitals are taken, BP is great, temp is great, all is well in Whoville. I talk to my kids (I think), call some friends (Rich and Briana) to lets them know I am alive and decide it is time to sleep again. Karen keeps the pain going away. I know I am gonna like Karen.
Awake again, and it has been about 6 or 7 hours since the surgery. It is time to take my first walk. What you say? Yep, six hours after "The Event" I am taking a lap around the 5E wing. I get out of bed, that hurt, disconnect the power cord for the IV thingy machine, put on a second beautiful hospital gown, so my rear nether regions would not be exposed to the world, not that at that point I would have really cared, and strolling I went. IV thingy machine in my right hand, my sweetie in my left and the trainee nurse trailing. Sandy kept talking about how well I was doing and how upright I was. I would imagine the first upright walking Ape received the same compliments from his bride. About half way around, all I could think of was not how upright I was, but where was my friend Karen. Pain at a level is nothing I ever want to experience again and if I have my way, oh here is Karen now. Obviously the best nurse ever! Off to sleep again.
That really is the extent of my first day. Drugs, surgery, drugs, drugs, tests, drugs, walking drugs with a lot of sleep mixed in between. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Be well all.
Nov. 19, 2007 - Ok, Here we go!
I love my wife and children.
Nov 16, 2007 - 3 Days Pre-Op
Today I received a call from Trish, the nurse putting my file together for my impending surgery. I guess we would call this my pre-op consultation. She was very pleasant and asked many questions, on which I will elaborate later. It has been a busy week. All the preps are done, I am enjoying my liquid diet and I am ready to go.
First on Monday of this week I called my employers disability center. I do have 20 sick days, but if I am going to be out more that 7 straight, I must register a disability claim which is claim number 63494. This ensures I will continue to get fully paid for the 20 Personal Illness Payments. After the 20 days (if I am still convalescing) I can get 26 weeks of extended disability at 50% pay (up to 100% pay if my Manager approves, I hope I have done a good job!) I do not expect that I will need it, but it is good knowledge to have.
I then phoned my Medical Insurance Company to verify that they had all the proper approvals in place. I spoke with a very nice lady and she reviewed my record and ensured me that all approvals were in place and that they needed nothing else from me. That was way too easy and in past dealings with Insurance Companies, I hope this simpleness of this will not come back to haunt me. Getting approved seemed much to simple.
Wednesday I had my pre-op physical. Dr. Z is fantastic. He has been very supportive in this whole process. Much unlike my PCP in Albuquerque. She does not believe in this surgery and routinely spoke against it. That to me was very surprising and I still don't know what her problem with the procedure was. So I was poked (dang vampires), prodded, EKG'd and generally looked over. Oh yeah, two shots, flu vaccine and a Tetanus shot. Two days later and the Tetanus site site hurts. I am pretty sure the nurse enjoyed ripping the few hairs that I have out of my chest when removing the EKG probes. She had this evil smile on her face, and with every pull - said "take that!" I am just joking about that, but I did accuse her of enjoying that part a little too much. Dr. Z also perscribed some Ambien - I am having trouble sleeping. Probably a little stress - you think? Doc said I was ready to go, said I would do well and wished me well. I told him that I would see him in 30 pounds.
Wednesday afternoon I spoke with my good friend who is also a financial adviser. We spoke in depth about my insurance, investments, and what I wanted just in case I am not here on Tuesday. I have taken to calling that potential outcome "In case something stupid happens." The reality of this surgery is real and there is risk. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to try to cover all aspects to ensure my wife is taken care of "if something stupid happens." Dave wrote my desires and wishes down, and we agreed to burn the document on next years vacation.
Which brings me to Friday. Three days to go before my surgery. 3 days before a major life changing event. As I wrote earlier, Trish called. She is from the hospital getting "My File" ready. She asked me lots of questions. Here are a few:
- Can you tell me in your own words what surgery you are having? I had kind of hoped they knew what surgery they were performing on me - but I answered "The Laproscopic R-N-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. "
- Do you have a recent loss that you want to tell me about? That was a strange question. I told her about my dog Tucker, who died 3 years ago. She pretty much knew that I was a smart alek by this time.
- Do you feel safe around your house and neighborhood? That was a really strange question, and I probed her to explain the question. She said that some people have real fears in their house with domestic violence. I am glad that is not an issue I have to deal with.
- She was very surprised that I answered yes to the question, Do you have a living will? She stated that "Most" people do not have one, and that ask the question to prod folks into thinking about the need for one.
7 Days Pre-Op
I am trying to assess where I am mentally with this surgery. I have been edgy this week. As one who has never experienced the joys of anesthesia or flesh parting as a scalpel finds its mark, that still seems to bother me. Also dealing with my own mortality has been a bit of a strain. Think about this, I mean really ponder it. What would you be doing if you chose to have a surgery, that you could die from. Nationally - 1 in 100 die from this surgery. What would you do? What plans would you make? Who would you talk to? Whom would you reach out to?
I called a good friend today. Dave and his wife Sherry are like family. In fact, if I could choose a brother, it would be Dave. We are already Brothers in Christ. Somehow, if I had the option, I would select Dave to be my brother. He promised to help my wife, OK, let us just say it, if I die. I asked him to. I don't think I had to ask, he would have any way. But I needed to know that someone would be there to help Sandy if something stupid happens next Monday. We are going to talk tomorrow. He is going to take notes to ensure he knows what I want for my wife, if I am not here in a month. We agreed that Sandy and I would go to Alaska next year so Dave and I can but those notes while fly fishing for monster trout, but I am glad he and I can talk about these things.
I am going to post my picture today. It will be the last photo taken prior to my surgery. One last reminder of myself in all my largeness. Let the shedding of pounds begin. I have many friends and acquaintances that I know are Praying for me. That is the most important thing to me. That will help me the most. I have a beautiful wife and am living an incredible blessed life. I am one lucky man.
Pre - Surgery Seminar
Monday evening my wife and I attended the Pre- Surgery Seminar. Two hours spent with Beth the Nutritionist and Roxi the Coordinator of the Program. I really like Roxi alot. The first hour was nutrition and what we will get to eat ( for the rest of our life) and more importantly pre and post surgery.
Ten Days prior to the surgery and 20 days post this will be my diet. Fasten your seat belts.
- Cream Soups (reduced fat, thinned)
- Tomato Soup (reduced fat, thinned)
- Broth (chicken or beef), Consumme or bouillon ( fancy words for broth)
- No sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast
- Slimfast 2g Net Carbs (avoid Ensure or Boost)
- Tea or Coffee (limit amounts and decaf is best) (Not)
- Sugar Free Jello
- Diet Custard, sugar free low-fat puddings ( Now I am pretty much a custard expert. My All time favorite dessert is Creme Brulee. Is "Diet Custard" even custard. This one is just plain scary.)
- Low-fat sugar free Yogurt (without nuts, fruits or preserves) ( Probably really means without taste)
- Sugar free Popsicles
- Unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice (best to dilute half and half with water)
- Cream of wheat (thinned) ( Yummo!)
- Crystal Light, Sugar free Kool-aid
- AVOID Chocolate Milk and puddings made with whole milk
- AVOID carbonated beverages such as soda pop, club soda, sparkling water; caffeinated beverages, or alcoholic beverages.
That is one exciting menu. 30 days on liquids. Is diet custard even possible?
Roxi was next with the discussion of the surgery, schedules and what to expect. The surgery will be laproscopic so I will have 6 holes in me, one of which will be left open for a couple of days with a drain coming out to ensure no leakage from the staple sites. I should be home in three days with a one to three weeks recovery time. I was told to expect to be very tired and feel weak for a few days after surgery. Duh!
I actually was a very good meeting and I appreciate Beth and Roxi and their commitment to helping us.