Monday, July 13, 2009


Think about 1978. How old were you? What were you doing? What was your future? 1978.

I think about 1978 alot lately. Not because I am old, although that might have a bit to do with it. We cannot help but think about our past as we age. As we go through changes. As we deal with today. I hope I am not obsessing with 1978 for those reasons.

I seem to obsess about alot of things lately.

Right now it is 1978. Again I ask, what were you doing. I know what I was doing. In July 1978, I was in Connecticut. Plebe Summer at the US Coast Guard. I was in the best shape of my life. I was running 3-5 miles per day. I was running up and down 3 flights of stairs, several times per day. I was running everywhere.

I had just graduated from High School. I was 17. I had been a pretty dang good high school football player. Involved in school government. Straight A student. Getting ready to play football at the Academy. I was in great shape.

My Dad, Grandmother and Papa were all still alive. I don't want to talk about that any more. But I do miss them all.

Where is this going. I will reiterate, I was in the best shape of my life. I weighed 221 rock hard pounds of football fury. Heh, that was silly.

Fast forward 28 years. 2007. Sick, tired. 447 Pounds, Fat. Dying. Fat. Unhappy. I don't want to talk about that anymore.

So why do I write today? Why do I put this drivel on paper?

Fast Forward 2 years. July 2009. Many changes, health. 2 Surgeries. Wife healthy. OMG - new obsessions. But I weighed myself this morning. 220 pounds. Yep thats right. 220 pounds. 220 pounds of not so rock hard football fury.

I liked July 1978. I love July 2009!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Half the man I was!

I am researching half the man I used to be. Songs written by Clint Black, Merle Haggard, a real strange one by Nirvana.

Usually when one refers to being half the man he used to be, it is a negative thing. I am not there today. As today, I am half the man I used to be. Not because she made me that way, as Merle croons. She has not broke me down and made me half the man.

Today, I have lost 223.5 pounds. Today I weigh 223.5 pounds. Yep, I am half the man I was. It is a good day.

Half the man I used to be! It is a very good day! Indeed!