Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life at one year.

That is a strange title. Life at 1 year. After all I turned 48 last month. Yep - 48 years old last month. It is funny being 48. I find myself opening alot of conservations (especially with the pretty ones of the opposite sex) with, "Would I be the Creepy Old Guy if I said...?" I really don't ever want to be the creepy old guy. But I really am ready to celebrate life at one year. What a year it has been.

So much has happened in the past year and I can hardly believe how fast it has gone by. It has just flown by. A year ago today, I was afraid of tomorrow. Literally, very afraid. Not knowing if I was going to live. Now I cannot wait for tomorrow. Some nights I cannot sleep as to the excitement of what tomorrow brings. A year ago, I couldn't sleep because I could not breath. I had sleep apnea so bad, I never knew if I would wake up, if I did not go to be with my trusty CPAP. The CPAP is not a very soft and comfortable bed mate. I wonder if other 48 year olds look forward to tomorrow as much as I do? I really wonder.

I walked 4 miles in one hour this morning. A year ago, I could not walk 1/4 of a mile in two hours. It just hurt too damn much. Hurt my back and knees. Hurt to walk. Hell, it hurt to get out of bed in the morning, much less walk. A year ago, I was truly fearful if I forgot to take my blood pressure medication. With uncorrected high blood pressure of 170/140, a stroke was just seconds away. I was always fearful when I did not take my meds. That was a year ago. In fact, my last blood pressure pill was a year ago today. My blood pressure last week was 112/75. Life at 1 year seems pretty darn good.

Now it you are easily embarrassed, don't ready the next paragraph. Especially if you are one of my kids. Sex at one year is great(No Brooke and Jason, Mom and Dad don't ever have sex anymore, hehehe). Not that sex a year ago wasn't great, because it was. But a year ago, at 450 pounds, I probably wasn't very good at it. Sorry, but I am being truthful here. I couldn't move. My body was covered in fat. I went to bed every night with my CPAP. It just wasn't that enjoyable for myself or I would bet, SWMBO either. Trust me, sex at 1 year is awesome. There are some benefits that go with 200 pounds of weight loss. Endurance, recovery are all better. Google Dr. Oz, Oprah, size and weight loss, and see what is said. It is an eye opener, but for me, well!!!!!

So, life at one year is just amazing. I have great new friends, happy and surprised old friends. I am healthier than I was at my last birthday, and have everything to look forward too. I really do look forward to tomorrow. It is only getting better, day by day, I cannot wait for the next one.

1 comment:

Gwen Powell said...

I am sooo happy to read this today and celebrate with you! Hugs and kisses Sweet Jim xxx